Choo-Choo Charles Wiki

"Charles is a bloodthirsty train, and you need to destroy him."

(Charles's Description)

Choo-Choo Charles or Charles is the Main Antagonist of this Game. Charles feeds on Humans and Animals, and has Spider-Like Legs which he can use to crawl around the island super-fast. Charles retreats into the forest, if he is too damaged. The Player can shoot Charles with Different types of Guns at the Back of the Old Train. Charles has the Ability to absorb Energy Bursts and Teleport whenever and wherever he wants as Hell-Charles. When the Player puts the three Monster Eggs in the Prism Slots, Charles absorbs the energy from the bursts and he gets enraged and more powerful, turning him into Hell-Charles.


Charles is a red steam locomotive with the spindly, black limbs of a spider, allowing him to roam the island freely without the limitations of rails. The eyes on his face at the front of the train are unnaturally white, to the point that it is difficult to see his irises and pupils. His mouth is lined with razor-sharp teeth and covered in blood.


Being more of a beast than an insidious monster, Charles is highly territorial and considers the entire island to be his hunting ground. His ravenous craving for human flesh causes him to attack anyone that he sets his eyes on. He is relentless in his assault, though he is still smart enough to retreat if an opponent that can fight back injures him enough. Charles also destroys any other trains on the island, (There are Broken Train Engines and many Cargo Containers in the Scrap Yard)


Warren wanted people to get out of Aranearum island. So he could get the whole island for himself and his Goons. Warren thought that if he had to get rid of the people, he would've needed to scare them. The Mining Team (of which Eugene was the Team Superviser) found some Monster Eggs that were glowing, while Mining in the Caves. Warren immediately went there to see that it was some creature layed this egg, He had an idea for a Monster. He went back to The Mainland and hired some Scientists to Morph the creature in the Egg, with a Charles Mining Company Train Engine, His Goons did a Ritual to put a Demon's Soul into the Monster, The Goons Later also became Cultists. The Monster was ready, Warren gave him the name Charles. When His Goons were bringing Charles to the island. Charles somehow escaped the Huge Container he was in and started eating all the animals on the Island the next day. One person saw Charles and told everyone that there is a Monster on the Island. Some people tried to leave the island, some did, but some died in the process. the people left on the island, dont wanna go to the Mainland and wanna stay at the Island cause thats where everyone they know, friends and family reside. So the Mining Team Supervisor Eugene calls his Old friend the Player, to kill Charles once and for all. Eugene accidentally falls off the old train and Charles kills him. Now to avenge Eugene's Death and to save the People of the Island with the help from them, and the Old train Engine, The player sets out on a journey to kill Charles.
